It's EMMERTIME! (not to be confused with Hammertime). The above photos are, well ME, hehehehe.
Today my human showed up at temporary barn and put the saddle on that is reserved for going on these outdoor rides she calls trail rides. This was the 3rd time in my life I've been on this Trail Ride thingy and I have to admit, while it is a bit of work, it's not hard work and you get to see a lot of interesting stuff and meet new horses and their humans too.
We went with our friend and neighbor, Wings and his human. This was the second time we've gone on a trail ride together and we're starting to make a pretty good team. Both our humans say we were 'good boys' and let us have treats when we were done and back at the horse trailer getting our saddles and bridles removed.
One thing I really like about this trail riding stuff is we get to meet new humans who ooh and ahhh over how handsome I am.. Well they say pretty, but boys aren't pretty, they're handsome, so I'm sure they mean to say I'm handsome. I like hearing I'm good looking. I mean my dad is one handsome dude and my mom is beautiful, so it was expected that I would end up beautiful. but I do so enjoy hearing it from people because, well I am a wee bit vain.
Anyway, Wings and I had an enjoyable time walking through the woods and seeing the chipmunks and squirrels and birds and other horses and humans. We also enjoyed occasionally keeping our humans on their toes by gently jumping sideways in what the human called a 'silly spook'. The humans seemed to wake up and get a bit more animated when we did that, so we threw that in about 3 or 4 times during the outing.
Humans are funny creatures. They're easily pleased. Apparently walking calmly over a piece of wood that goes over a stream (they call them bridges) is something that makes humans really happy because mine kept telling me what a GOOOOOD boy I was ... When she says GOOOOD BOY EMMERSON, I know that I did something extra good. It's her happy voice and I LIKE her happy voice because it means I'll get extra treats later on.
All in all it was not a bad day working on training my human how to stay balanced up on my back and Wings and his human were pretty nice to spend the day with too.
Peace Out Dudes!