Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Happy Winter Holidays!

The Silly Pony Crew would like to wish everyone a very Happy Winter Holiday! No matter what you believe, we believe in good times, good friends and full hay mangers!

Because we're off playing with Santa's Reindeer and then Celebrating New Year's with Santa's Elves we're going to be taking a hiatus until January 5th, until then, enjoy the Sled Racing game above and eat, drink, be merry and Safe!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Silly Pony Trick For December 22

Well that snot 'company', Cinder, hogged the computer keyboard on the weekend so I did not get to come address you, my fans, and for that I appologize. With all this snow, the human has been too busy to bring the computer out to the barn so I can use it... she seems to think hauling water to me is more important... I say it is EQUALLY important and she needs to prioritize her priorities and make a list of them!

So, because the snow is now about one foot deep here, I came up with a delightful new game last night while Human and her male human were hauling water to our tank... When one of your humans bends over to get a good grip on the very heavy container of water so they can drag it up to the tank, wait until the small of their neck shows in their coat and take a big bite of snow then drop it on the back of their necks...

You will LOVE the squeal of "ACKKKKK that is COLD... ELLLLLLLLE!!!" and you can then high step trot off with your tail over your back and snorting all the way, hehehehehe....

Saturday, December 20, 2008

It's CINDER Time!

Hi, I'm Cinder and I'm staying with the BlackFyre Silly Ponies for awhile, but instead of being an Arabian, I am a Quarter Horse and instead of being owned by the SP's human, I have a different human of my own (but SP's human is kind of like my own human since she performs room service and maid services for me).

I used to live in Montana with my sister Justine and then we got on a horse trailer and made a long trip here. Justine stayed with me for almost a year at this place then she got on a horse trailer again and went to the same place that Emmerson went. They are both practicing having a human balance on their back, Dancer said it's called letting a human ride you.

Anyway, I just wanted to let you all know that Dancer and Elle want to hang out in their stalls during all this cold wind and snow but I keep going out to roll in it and FINALLY got Elle to play snow tag with me today! I don't know why they're being such babies about this cold, I LOVE it. Their human says I'm a funny monkey, I told her I am not a monkey, I am a Quarter Horse!

I'm glad there's all this snow, I like it alot better then that wet stuff called rain!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Snow Day, NO SCHOOL!

I think I have decided I LOVE Snow! Why? Well because besides my normal day off of balancing humans on my back on Wednesday, I got a day off today too what the human kids call a snow day and no school.

Yup, Trainer told me it is just too cold and too nasty to work too hard and she told me Human should not be out driving on slippery roads for an hour in one direction, so no one made me practice balancing them on my back!

BUT Trainer did turn me loose in the arena to trot around and roll in the dirt, it felt so NICE to play and stretch my legs but the BEST part was rolling in the dirt of the arena, I LOVE dirt.

I wonder if we are going to have more really cold days with snow? I hope so, it's nice to have a vacation and time to just 'hang' out and be a Dude!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Snow, Snow and MORE Snow....

It has come, the snow Human kept telling us about. More then 8 inches but with the winds kicking in, my stall filled up to 3 feet of snow!!!!

Human got home tonight and had a lot of fun with her snow shovel getting all that snow OUT of my stall and then she shut my outside door and now I'm mad because I can't hang out with my daughter.

Because the snow is drifting into the barn she has locked myself, Elle and even Cinder (our visiting Quarter Horse Friend) into our stalls because she said if she doesn't close the outside doors all the stalls will be full of snow.

I do have to admit I like the full relief from the winds and cold snow blowing on my neck but I'd rather be able to hang out with my daughter Elle and come and go in our stalls as we wish.

I wonder how long the snow is here for. When I lived in Canada it would stay for a very long time but since I moved here it doesn't snow a lot or seem to last for very long.

The good thing about this is we get extra alfalfa cubes, yummy.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

I'm bored so I guess I'll come on line for a while.

It's been cold every day for almost a week now and Human told us we need to stay bundled up because it is supposed to stay cold AND snow.

Now normally I actually like the snow and as long as the wind stays calm, snow is OK, you can roll in it and make horsey angels, you can run and practice sliding stops in it and you can put it on your nose and walk up to Human and put the snow on their necks, it's funny to watch them jump.

OK now I am EXCITED about the big snow storm coming our way!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Braids are for Sissy's!

WOW this is pretty cool, there is SNOW outside! Trainer won't let me outside to play in it, she said it's not really safe because the path is icy, bummer as I LOVE a good roll in the snow!

Human came down yesterday and we practiced balancing on my back for a bit, then she spent some time just letting me hang out and giving me a braided mane... Man, does she think I'm a GIRL? Braids are NOT for dudes, sigh... She said she wants my mane to grow longer... well, again, HELLO???? I am a DUDE...

I had planned on rubbing them out but Human had one more embarrassment in mind for me, she made me wear a blue sleazy on my head and neck... I am the ONLY Arabian on my side of the barn, well OK there is one other but he's retired and doesn't have to be a fru fru horse, anyway, now ALL the Quarter Horses are going to laugh at me.

I think Human does this stuff on purpose JUST to cause me a life of shame. Braids are for Sissy's and Sleazy's are for Filly's, SNORT!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Turn on the Heat!

Brrrrrrrr... Yes I moved to here from the land of very cold winters, but I've gotten used to not so cold and so would someone turn the heat up please???

The temperatures are not getting out of the 20's and the winds are howling, literally, and I do not want to leave my stall it's just that cold.

Human put a warmer blanket on under my rain sheet and that helps a tiny bit, but in reality, it's just cold with all that strong wind howling down my back. My daughter Elle and I stand huddled up and today we even let Cinder into our stall too, but even with the three of us huddled up, it's cold.

The one good thing about this cold is Human lets us eat more hay then normal. She says we need the extra calories to help stay warm enough. So one good thing about the cold I guess, but please, someone turn up the heat!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

"Oh the Weather Outside is....."

FREEZING! I mean FREEZING with very cold wind. Human wanted me, Mom and Cinder to go out in the field today but after about 15 mins I said "ENOUGH!" and have stayed in the barn ever since, it is too cold in that wind!

Mom is standing next to me in the stall and silly Cinder won't go in the other stall but no way am I moving over to make room for her with Mom and me, huh uh... Cinder has a room of her own, she can use it or stay outside in the cold wind, I am NOT sharing my napping space OR the extra warmth of my mom!

Human said it must be cold if we won't go out to graze and thankfully, she realized that it is important to provide extra room service in this kind of cold weather and had Male Human put the water tank heaters into place as well as started feeding us that nice green hay she bought last fall.

I don't know how long it's going to be this cold, but I hope Human keeps up the room service!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Human came and practiced balancing on my back last night. She had me go along at my slow trot she calls a jog and I guess I must have done everything really well because after practicing for a bit, she yelled WOOHOO, gave me a big hug, and jumped off my back and walked me around by hand to cool down...

I like it when Human is happy with our practice sessions because it means we don't have to work as long or as hard, now if I could just convice her to feed me apples every time we're done working my life would be Suuuuweeeeetttt!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Cuddle Time...

Sometimes I just want the quiet time with Human when she and I stand against one another and she scratches my neck and fixes my forelock out of my eyes.

This morning was one of those times I needed that time with Human but all she wanted to do was clean my stall. Finally, in order to get her attention, I dumped the wheelbarrow sideways and she FINALLY stopped and asked me what I wanted.

Now if she'd just learn to read my body language better I would not need to do such rude behaviors as dump a wheelbarrow over to convince her I want her attention!

Someday I'll get my human trained, I just don't know what day that will be.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Getting Winterized

Human is all discombobulated... She's running around the barn like those silly chickens of the neighbors that try to hang out here sometimes.... squawking and flapping her arms all about.

She's muttering those words that Mom says I am not allowed to say until I'm 5 yrs old and saying that Male Human is never home when bad weather forecasts come in.

So what's the problem? Well apparently she says the forecast is calling for a cold snap and the barn has not been fully winterized.

Well I don't know about the barn, but all she has to do to winterize us, is put our warm waterproof blankets on and make sure we have extra hay in our feeder and heaters in our water tanks... Oh wait, she doesn't have the heaters IN our water tanks yet... ahhhhhhhh

But what else could the barn need? I mean you don't put a warm coat on a barn do you? We did not do it last winter and it got very cold many times, so I wonder what she really has to do?

I hope it involves putting on that insulation stuff over the water hoses, that's my favorite toy to pull off of the hose on winter and then chase Mom and Cinder around the field with! Oh yah, I hope she's going to do that!

Anyway, I don't understand why humans make such a fuss over things sometimes. Are they related to chickens?

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Geldings Rule!....Mares Drool.

Geldings rule, Mares drool... or so the saying goes...

Trainer told Human the other day that I am turning into one cool dude! While I am pleased to hear Trainer admit it, I can only wonder what has taken so long for Trainer and Human to SEE it, I mean, anyone who is anyone knows Geldings Rule, Mares Drool and Studs are just a pain!

While I personally, being a Gelding of good taste, must admit to have a fond hankering for a pretty filly or sexy mare to share paddock and stall time with, when it comes down to nitty-gritty of getting the job done, well, we geldings are the reliable ones.

Mares and Fillies have those silly hormonal attacks monthly and Studs, well, they're testosterone inflated geeks is all they are, but a good gelding will always be your steady eddy kind of dude.

Tomorrow is my day off to just relax and then Human comes down to practice balancing on my back, I think I'll do something endearing to get her to tell me how totally cute I am, hehehe.

Peace Out Dudes!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Magic Fingers

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, that was Divine. Human spent some time grooming me as Farrier is coming tomorrow and she likes Elle and I to look our 'Sunday Best'.

Along with brushing the mud off my legs and out of my mane and face, Human spent some time exercising her fingers in the style she calls "Massage" up and down my back.

I LOVE massage. It helps all my sore spots and puts me in that nice sleepy relaxed state. I also like to show Human how much I enjoy it by reciprocating by grooming her coat sleeve with my lips. For some reason she finds that funny, but Elle finds it relaxing, so I guess Human is a bit weird.

I hope she grooms and massages me more tomorrow, it feels so lovely, ahhhhhhhhh.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Time for a Pedicure

Human informed me that it's time for my next pedicure, which means Farrier will be coming to visit.

I love being pampered and preened over, so getting my hooves trimmed is one of my favorite things, I mean what gal DOESN'T love a pedicure?

Farrier is a funny guy. He pretends he's all gruff but really, he's a big push over and he is SMART too, he KNOWS how special I am and always tells Human I'm a "keeper". Well of COURSE I am a "Keeper" uh, Hello???? FABULOUS BY DESIGN is my name, sheesh.

I guess Mom is getting a Pedicure the same day I am. I guess Farrier is going to be busy, but as long as he does me first and gives ME the most attention, it's all good.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Real Geldings Like Nutty Mint Mocha!

Today was a practice balancing Human on my back day... It was a pretty good time since Human said I was a REALLY good boy and gave me those nice baby carrots after we were done practicing.

Because I was all sweaty, I had to stand under the heat lamps with my cooler on to dry off and Human decided it was a good time to get herself a drink.

Human drinks coffee.. all kinds of coffee and I usually ignore her fru fru drinks but today, OMG, today she brought the BEST Smelling coffee drink with her. She called it a Nutty Mint Mocha and I WANTED it. I mean REALLY wanted it, it smelled soooooo yummy.

I did my cutest expressions for her, held my foot up in the air (but no pawing, Human gets mad if I paw and the goal was to make her fall in love with me, not get mad at me!) and even nickered at her.

NONE of my usual "Look aren't I adorable" tricks worked! Grrrrrr Human told me "Silly Gelding, Horses don't drink Coffee"

Man she sure can be selfish when she wants to. Who says horses can't drink coffee? Some Coffee Police?

Well all I know is baby carrots are NO substitute for Nutty Minty Mocha and I hope she decides to share tomorrow!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Silly Pony Trick #7

Because it's most fun to keep your human on their toes, when they're busy hooking up your mom's blanket straps quietly walk up behind them and pull on their coat tails... It's really funny when they crash forward into your mom and then you get to whirl out of the stall with your tail held high snorting and trotting all around.

Be warned though, only try this trick ONCE. If you go in for a second round, you will most likely find your human prepared and likely to give YOU the boot in the bum instead.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

But I don't Want to!

Human informed me last night that because I'm still hurt, I'm definitely going to be seeing another doctor, someone she calls "orthopedic specialist".

I don't WANT to see ANY more doctors.. The poke and they prod and the stick you with needles and steel your blood and give you drugs that make you feel all woozy-like and make you stand still while they do things to your behind (something called rectal sonogram or some such nightmarish words) and all in all, there is nothing good or fun that has ever come from a Doctor's visit....

The only GOOD news is Human said that if THIS doctor can find out for sure why I keep hurting off and on, I won't have to make the long trip to the hospital far from my daughter and home and friends, so I guess I DO want to go to see this new Doctor after all.

Monday, December 1, 2008


Boy I had a good weekend... First Grandma came! She gave me a carrot and told me I'm one cool dude... I love Grandma, she's so nice and never makes me practice balancing her on my back!

Then I got to have Saturday to myself and had great time mucking about in the muddy part of the turnout area! It was cool but Human grumbled on Sunday that I was a MESS to clean up.. Silly Human, doesn't she know that mud is good for the hair and skin?

Human did make me practice balancing her on my back but she made it fun, we got to practice some things she calls 'moves' like rollbacks... I like those rollback things, they're a lot of fun, unfortunately she won't let me do them and then run like I'd like to do, I have to do them and walk calmly, BORING...

After we were done, Human gave me a nice massage and all in all I had a good weekend!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Santa Claus is Coming to Barn!

SANTA'S COMING, SANTA'S COMING.... Well at least Human said Santa will be here in 24 nights so that is why Christmas lights were getting hung out in the barn today!

I am so excited! Last year Santa brought me a PONY POP that I did not have to share with ANYONE, not even my snotty brother Emmerson, ohhhhhhhh it was Divine.

What is NOT so wonderful about Christmas time is Human INSISTS she can carry a tune (which, uh, hello???? She can NOT, Snort!) and she subjected me to her caterwauling at the top of her lungs 'singing' (I'm telling you, she's no singer!) Christmas Songs. I really thought about grabbing that new MP3 Player of hers and taking it out to the pond for a swim, but I was my usual dignified, above it all self, and just ran around snorting instead.

Hmmmmmm I better hurry up and work on that Christmas List to get to Santa asap! There are Sooooooo many things I want.

Don't you just love Christmas time?

Saturday, November 29, 2008

They Call Me Gimpy

Human and the doctors are still working on finding out why it hurts in my back and my back right leg, but at least I've been feeling a bit better lately even if no one knows for sure why I hurt.

Human's still being really nice to me, she usually is nice anyway, but I notice extra nice if I'm not feeling good, but yesterday, she called me "Gimpy" and then my snotty daughter Elle (TEENAGERS, UGH!) thought it was soooo funny, she's informed me she's calling me Gimpy instead of Mom...

The things I have to tolerate sometimes with a teenaged daughter!

Thursday, November 27, 2008


From all of us at Silly Pony Trick's: (Dancer, Emmerson, Elle, Human (and friend Cinder too)
May your Plate be full and your calories Nil.
May your carrots be plentiful and your good fortune abundant.
May you all have a Silly Pony Trick of your own to share with friends and family and

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Grandma's Coming!

Human came on Sunday and we played a new game where we practiced balancing her on my back and also moving through some obstacles set up. Human said it was a hard game because she doesn't know left from right sometimes, but I really liked this new game... I got to WALK most of the time, nice and easy, no hard work on my part, kind of like when we trail ride, plus it was more fun the just riding around the arena in straight lines.

Monday and Tuesday, Human doesn't come to see me, Trainer practices with me to help me be able to balance human on my back but we did not play the fun new game, so I was kind of bummed.

Trainer was telling me I have to work hard this week because Friday Human is bringing a special visitor to watch me do my riding trick with her. Trainer said it was Human's mom! I remember her but Human said I should call her Grandma! I am excited Grandma is coming because she tells me I'm a handsome dude and pets me and gives me good treats!

It's going to be so fun to show to Grandma my trick of balancing Human on my back, I wonder if she'll give me a WHOLE carrot???

How many days until Friday anyway? Peace out Dudes!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Silly Pony Trick #6, Kiss the dog

The past few days have been much too serious with Mom's injury and Human being worried and no one has been paying enough attention to ME! Now don't get me wrong, I care that my mom is hurt but really, what can I do to fix it? Nothing.

What I can do is entertain Mom and Human alike so tonight I decided it was time to turn on the charm and see if Silly Pony Trick #6 could lighten the mood. Plus it of course puts the attention back where it belongs, which is on ME!

Silly Pony Trick #6 is a fun thing to do that will almost always put a smile on your human's face. What you need is one friendly dog or, if you really want to add some 'wow' factor to the trick, two or three friendly dogs works wonders.

When the friendly dogs come to you paddock to visit, be sure your human is watching and reach down and lick the dogs head. Humans seem to find this highly amusing and say "LOOK, Elle's giving the dog a big sloppy kiss!" The dogs are happy to play this trick with you and will usually kiss you back.

Tonight Human brought my good pal Cajun up to visit us and I decided to put SPT #6 into action and low and behold, I kissed him, he kissed me and Human started to actually laugh!

So the next time you're human seems sad and you want to make them smile try Silly Pony Trick #6 and see if it works for you!

Sunday, November 23, 2008


It hurts to walk on my right hind leg. It hurts so bad I don't want to use it fully and put all of my weight on it, so I am limping pretty badly.

Human is crying. She's frustrated because no one can figure out how to make me feel all better and I've been having this pain off and on since June.

Yesterday (Saturday) Human took me to a new vet who told her no one close to home has the right kind of machines to tell them what is wrong with me. I'm trying to tell them it hurts up in my hip area and Vet and Human both agree with me but they tell me that they can't see exactly what the problem is.

Human cried more last night. It looks like I have to make a trip very far from home and probably with out Human, to a place she calls WSU where they have special tools and she says very nice Vet's and Helpers.

But I don't WANT to go far from home. I'll miss my daughter, Elle, terribly and I'll miss Human too and even her male human. I cried in my stall last night, but I'm tried of this hurting and tired of taking medicine that doesn't taste very good to help me hurt less, so I guess I'm going to have to take a long trip far away to WSU pretty soon and hopefully they can make me feel good again.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Date Night!

Well, Well, Well, guess who managed to remember she had a DATE with ME? Yup, Human, Ms. Stand-me-up earlier in the week, did manage to show up and even on time for your weekly Thursday evening date.

Why is it that females think it's OK for them to cancel dates but boy if a dude does it, holy cow, nag, nag, nag? I don't think I'll ever get chicks honestly.

Anyway, Human and I practiced keeping her balanced up on my back and she was OK at it tonight, although I wish she'd stop trying to back seat drive me but Cody, the Stud next door to my stall, tells me all females do this bossy kind of stuff, so I guess I'm stuck.

Human did notice I've been buffing out, it's always cool to be told you're looking macho!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

An Apple Sonata under the Moonlight

Human and I had our evening ride session. It was actually a nice night, although kind of cold now that she's shaved my hair off, she at least used an exercise rug on me to keep me warmer.

I was in a very good mood this evening because Human gave me an apple before we went to work. When she gives me an apple I know she's in a good mood, so that puts me in a good mood because I know we won't be working too hard.

As we rode along the fence line Human started doing that odd things humans and dogs do... they sing... I don't really understand WHY they sing but they seem to do it a lot so it must make them happy. I think it's kind of a sad sound myself but it seems to make Human happier when we're riding.

The good news is I got apples after we were done too. It was a good ride.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Stupid Pony Trick #5 -BUMP in the Dark

WHOOO HOOOY! I just had the MOST fun tonight, (snicker, snort, snicker)....

Human has been riding my mom at night when Human gets home from that place she calls work. Usually human puts Cinder and I in the barn area but tonight I guess she forgot or something because she just let us stay out in the field.

Well she and mom had been working for about 30 minutes and were walking around cooling off when I decided to play a little prank on them... I snuck up behind mom and when human was least expecting it, I nipped mom in the bum which in turn made mom kind of jump forward and kick out at me and that made Human go THUNK into the saddle horn... It was SOOOOO funny... I wonder why Human wasn't laughing? Human doesn't have the best sense of humor sometimes, snicker, snort, snicker.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Stood Up.

Man, my human was mean to me today! She stood me up! Uh huh... We had a date for this afternoon. She was supposed to come work on me balancing her on my back. It was all set, 3pm. I was kind of looking forward to it because I don't have to work as hard with human as Trainer makes me.

Well around noon time, Human called Trainer and told her that she wasn't going to be coming for our date, instead she was staying home to work on making the barn better. Like I care what the barn looks like???? Ms Fashionista Elle probably talked her into doing 'improvements'... Women!

She better bring me a GOOD make up treat when she comes for our next date!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Summer Clothes, Winter Jackets

Human knows that I can be ridden again, now that I'm tired of faking lameness. She has told me it's time to get back to work on a serious level and this means I'll be sweating to the oldies (hey she's 42, she's an Oldie!).

Because it's almost winter, I have grown a nice plush coat which keeps me nice and toasty warm. Human says it has to GO... She's going to take me to shave it all off because right now when I get Sweaty, it takes forever to cool down and get dry again.

SO, I guess I'm getting my "Summer Clothes" back and in order to keep warm I have to wear a Winter Blanket. Human says it's stylish to have a winter jacket when you're human, so she's going to dress me in purple...

I think this is all silly nonsense and a Silly Human Trick, but human gets so happy about these things I guess I'll play along. Hmmmm I wonder if she'll knit me a dog fur sweater since she says she has enough fur coming out of Dare and Wyld right now to make one... I might enjoy a dog fur coat!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Strange Orb in the Sky

We have had a lot of dark, windy, wet days around here. Human has had to make sure the barn had a good ditch around it to stop the flooding of our stalls and Dancer, my mom, and I and our guest Cinder have been staying inside a lot more lately.

This morning when Human came out to let us into our pasture and provide room service I strolled through the doorway and stopped.... OMG! *SNORT, SNORT, SNORT* CAREFUL EVERYONE, CAUTION! Yes there was a strange, bright, shiny orb in the sky and the light hurt my eyes!

Mom just ignored me and Cinder squinted and Human started to laugh.. Can you imagine? Human LAUGHED at ME?? Elle, Fabulous by Design??? Is she crazy or what?

Well I am going to keep my eye on that bright thing in the sky, what if it really IS a horse eating, fire breathing monster?

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Back To Work.

Well dudes, I had a few days off while Trainer is on Vacation but the past 3 days Human has been coming down to make me practice balancing her on my back.

All in all, while she does make me work, it's actually been a decent time as she generally doesn't make me work as hard as Trainer does and tonight after work, Human spent some time with the liniment bottle massaging my back and legs, ahhhhhhhhhhh.... that feels SO nice when she takes the time to do it.

So while vacation is over, I have to admit I kind of like work with Human along for the ride (pun intended dudes!).

Peace Dudes!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Stall Remodel

Our human is a female model. She's a good human for the most part. One of the best things about her is that she has a male human who spends time petting us and feeding us treats and today, male human, did something really swell! He remodeled our stalls for us by adding to our floor so that our stalls won't flood out and also created a big drain ditch to carry the water away!

While he was on a roll with his human adult male Tonka Toys (that's what female human calls them, I think they're also known as Backhoes and dump trucks) he remodeled the dogs exercise area by raising its level with rock too.

I think we'll keep male human for now!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Silly Pony Trick #4... Toss the Chicken

OK fans! Here is your newest Silly Pony Trick to try at home! When the neighbor's rooster won't stop trying to sit on your rump, you grab him by the tail feathers and toss him across the pen!

It is the COOLEST trick because the chicken squawks and the human yelps and you get to throw your tail over your back and snort and blow and toss your head while you trot in high spirits.

Your human will love this new trick, but I'm not sure the chicken enjoys it as he won't come inside my pen now. Oh well, Horses rule, Chickens drool! (heheheh)

Saturday, November 8, 2008


PARTY TIME! Trainer is on Vacation and Human has hurt her back which means Friday and Saturday were more then just a 'day off' it was my OWN vacation and boy have I enjoyed just being a dude, ya know dudes?

I got to just hang out and be myself. If I wanted to 'let down' (come on geldings and studs, you KNOW you enjoy giving your 'guy' a bit of air now and again!) I could with none of that "Emmerson, Put it UP!" stuff I get from Trainer and Human. You'd think they'd never seen a 'guy' before, sigh...

I also got to just hang out in my stall and eat or lie down and nap to my hearts content. I LOVE a good long nap and am happy to take 3-4 a day when allowed.

Unfortunately, rumor has it that Human's back is a bit better and she's going to come to the barn tomorrow (Sunday) and make me practice balancing her up on MY back, sigh.... Oh well, a two day vacation is better then none!

Peace Dudes!

Friday, November 7, 2008

It's Human here.... I try to keep the true world realities away from my lovely, darling 'Silly Ponies' so they won't be discussing this particular topic today, but it's of great importance to all of the Humans who own "Silly Ponies" of their own.

Horse Abuse...Actually any kind of Animal Abuse.

Today, a forward step was made in the conviction of Dean Marie Solomon...

To read the full story please follow the following link: http://www.bellinghamherald.com/northwest/story/655646.html

I would like to ad a personal note. Ms. Solomon has threatened me personally in the past and others I know with law suites anytime anyone publicly spoke or posted photos of the horrendous conditions of the animals in her care. I personally am hoping that people will carefully investigate ALL purported animal rescue organizations before handing an animal or funds over to them to ensure that they are indeed legitimate, reputable organizations.

Thank you for your time, Human and adoring Slave to the 3 "Silly Ponies" Dancer, Emmerson and Elle.

Rain Coat or Mud Jacket?

Human drug out my rain coat last night because of the torrential rains that started falling yesterday and are supposed to fall again today and perhaps the next several days.

She calls these things 'blankets' but really they're rain coats, as they keep us from being wet when we're out at pasture.

As she put them on, she told me to keep mine clean because she'd just spent 3 days repairing it and cleaning it and waterproofing it. Well, that's all nice but really, clean? I mean rain coats are for keeping my dry while I do things I want to do, and ONE of the things I enjoy doing is rolling on the nice squishy ground, so sorry Human, CLEAN is not going to happen.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Hurry, Build that Dam!

Hurry Human, HURRRY~! You PROMISED you'd build a drainage ditch in front of our stalls and the weather forecast is calling for rains of FLOOD POTENTIAL tomorrow and Friday.

I don't get it, why doesn't Human get out here and dig that ditch RIGHT NOW??? I mean, it was horrible yesterday when the stalls flooded, just horrible. I think I might be scared for life from yesterday's flood...

Oooooh wait, look.. There's Human, FINALLY! Ahhhhhhhh she's got the pick ax and is working out front of the stalls. Good! It's about time Human. I do not want to deal with lakes in front of my stall this weekend, I might dirty my pretty little hooves!!

Well I better go supervise and make certain Human doesn't slack off and mess this project up! Stay dry over the next few days fans!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

If Horses Could Vote....

OK, first, GEE Elle, are you a silly pony drama queen or what? A wee bit of rain falls from the sky and you are screaming for a life boat... Take a chill pill baby sis.

NOW onto more IMPORTANT stuff like politics... WHAT? Well of COURSE I follow politics, I mean I am a Gelding and we males of all species tend to enjoy politics ya know?

Human came down to the barn today to make me practice balancing her on my back. It was actually not a bad day, she stayed up there and did not make me work too hard, although I have to say, it was kind of distracting with the kids that came to watch sitting in the bleachers... I'm not so sure kids need to be watching me, but we got through it.

Human was talking to Trainer and said she was dragging her feet at making the trip home because there wasn't going to be much to watch on TV besides the election results.

MAN how can she NOT want to watch those things? I tried to vote but no one would send me a ballot, sigh... Human said she voted and that it looked like her candidate for President was going to win. I wanted to vote. I vote for 24/7 access to good grazing and hay. I also vote for a full bucket of carrots and apples daily.

Did the humans vote for smart stuff like that? I hope so, I'll be waiting to see what fills my feed buckets in the days to come.


HELLLLLLLLLLLLPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP....... HURRY PLEASE HURRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We're flooded in our stall and can't get out because the entrance has a HUGE LAKE and there is NO WAY I'm going to cross it, uh no, not, nada... Horses don't swim!

Oh Elle, you're being such a drama queen. Granted it has gotten a wee bit wet at the entrance of the stall and there is a large puddle in front, it's not exactly life boat 9-1-1 time just yet.

But MOM, it IS 9-1-1!!!!!!!! Really,mom, how can you be so nonchalant about this. This is TERRIBLE. Cinder and I are NOT coming out of our stall until Human fixes this mess.

Well Elle, Human has a flooded basement to contend with, and humans usually panic when the inside of THEIR Stalls get wet, so I would plan on getting a bit hungry if I were you and Cinder and you're truly waiting for Human to make the mud puddle go away.

Well FINE, if Human is SO self-absorbed that she won't come SAVE Cinder and I, then she'll be EXTRA SORRY when we STARVE to death!

Oh Elle, you ARE a silly goose... I'm going out to pasture to eat, you can come with me or sit inside complaining, the choice is yours.

Mom??? MOM??? MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM????????? Cinder, she LEFT us, HURRY, JUMP.... See it's not hard , JUMP the lake! MOMMY, here we come... Yum this pasture tastes great!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Standard Time?

You know, Human is really a pretty good person most of the time, but this morning she was behind the eight ball on her maid service duties and in opening the gateway to our delicious breakfast pastures.

Normally 7am is when we get our morning room service taken care of and the gateway to breakfast opened up. Once in awhile it's before 7am and more rarely after 7am. Well this morning she was more then an hour late!

She said it was 7:30am but she's wrong, it was 8:30am and we were HUNGRY. I was a bit curt with Human this morning because I was so hungry, but this afternoon when she came out to attend to our lunch room service, she explained that she had forgotten about changing over from Daylight Savings to Standard time.

I am not sure what Standard time is, but if it means that breakfast is an hour late every day, I know I don't like it and I want Human to switch back to Daylight Savings Time!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Humans are from Venus, Geldings are from Mars

I kind of think Human may be mad at me. Yesterday she came down to practice me balancing her on my back (she calls it riding, I call it work, which is, a four letter word, sigh).

Things were going OK on Friday although I was noticing a lot of Ghosts in various corners of the arena, I guess they were out in full force for Halloween. Human kind of got mad at me about the 5th time I spooked at a Ghost she can't see. She told me "QUIT" in her annoyed voice. Well that hurt my feelings.

How can I be held responsible for not liking Ghosts? It is NOT my fault she's blind to them and it is NOT my fault that she won't listen to me when I try to tell her with my body language getting tense that the ghosts are indeed real and present.

We practiced loping but I was tense and frustrated and upset that she'd dared to yell at me over ghosts, I mean gee, EXCCCCUUUUUSEEEEE ME for finding Ghosts to be a bit unsettling. Like there is NOTHING in the universe that spooks her?

We did not have the most fun on our 'ride' yesterday and today I noticed Human did NOT come to practice 'riding' me, Trainer did instead. Trainer said I was a good boy, so that was nice, but now I'm worried Human is still upset with me.

I actually really like Human when she's not being mean about ghosts, so I hope she's not going to stay away. Trainer said Human will come play with me tomorrow and also practice me balancing her on her back. Maybe I'll try doing things Human's way and not acting afraid of the Ghosts that live in the arena... Just to get Human happy again, they're such emotional creatures these humans of ours.

Friday, October 31, 2008

BOO! (or Happy Horse O' Ween)!

While I totally don't get humans obsession with all things Ghoulish, I decided to to join in the fun this year for Halloween.

Tonight when Human came to bring us in to our warm, safe, comfy barn for the night, I decided to play a bit of a trick (instead of giving her a treat, hehehehe). I hid out near the pond and did not come in when Dancer and Cinder did.

Well Human called and called and I kept hiding and predictably, she came out to find me. You wanna know the best thing about being a bay horse with no white legs? you blend into the night really well (heheheh)... Human must have walked by me three times calling my name and I just stood quietly...

Then as she started to get worried something bad had happened to me and was headed back to the barn to get the 4 wheeler so she could have lights, I snuck up behind her with all of my graceful stealth and reached out and pushed her in the back with my nose!

She jumped and did that silly thing humans do when they're all wound up, she SCREAMED and whirled around and saw ME (heheheheh) and I stood there with my tail up over my back and my neck arched and did my perfect high end model pose and snorted at her and she LAUGHED at me.

Yup, can you imagine? She LAUGHED. She should have ran in fear or something when you go "BOO!" right? Humans are hard beings to second guess.

I will say it's definitely more fun to "TRICK" then to "TREAT"

Happy Halloween Humans!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

My Secret.....

I've been harboring a secret. In June I kind of managed to hurt myself and couldn't move so well. My human was really worried and gave me a lot of attention and even after I started to feel a tiny bit better, she did not work me at all. Well I decided I wanted the summer off, so I did not let on that I was feeling better.

I've been feeling good for the past several weeks but did not show Human this in any obvious way. Well.... That cat's out of the bag (what an odd saying the human language has for saying that the secret isn't secret any more).

Yesterday at the photo shoot my human took me to for her job, she had to get on me for the first time since June and I decided to give her a present and NOT limp. Yup, I let her know I was truly OK. So how does she pay me back??? She put me in the stall on wheels and took me to the barn that my boyfriend Emmerson is at. I was so excited, I thought I was finally getting reunited with Emmerson, whom I adore. Not to be, sigh... Human actually RODE me.

Human has been so worried about me and working so hard to make sure I was comfortable and on the road to recovery, I decided to go ahead and show her I am healed up 100% and we had a nice little go round the arena at Emmerson's training barn.

Human and Trainer kept acting really pleased, humans are such silly things, they actually get pleased when you stop faking injury, but it was nice to see them smile.

So my secret is out and it looks like I'm going back to work, although Human and Trainer both said I was on 'light duty' for now which I believe, means I won't have to work very hard. Not working too hard will be OK as long as I get to see my love Emmerson... It was getting to hard to keep the secret anyway.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Wednesday's Silly Pony Trick

It's my favorite day of the week again... Wednesday, the day I don't have to do anything that I don't want to do (like work at balancing the human on my back).

Because it's my day off and Human was off with Ms Prim and Proper (aka Dancer) doing some fancy schmancy photo shoot for a magazine cover (as IF I'm a SLOUCH in the looks department??? Humph!) I decided it was time for a Silly Pony Trick.

My trick of the day was so simple and yet created such a stir at the barn it is an absolute blast of a trick to play on your own humans.

While turned out in your paddock, play with the latch at the gate until you get it loose, then go for a nice little walk-a-bout!

For some odd reason humans find it highly unsettling when they can't find you where they last left you, so if you take yourself for a bit of a walk-a-bout and go visit the other dudes at your place, you'll get to here a lot of "OMG!, WHERE IS HE??????? EMMMMMMMMERRRRRSSSSOOOOOONNNNN???????" and then there is the "Here boy, come on" (like I'm going to answer to this??? I am NOT a dog!humph!)

It's best once they find you, to give them a bit of exercise by not letting them catch you immediately. Trot around with your nose up in the air and keep JUST out of reach for about 5 mins. Then give your human a break and come up to them and ask for a pet. Remember humans are fragile creatures so we need to be careful how much exercise we give them.

Yup, this is a favorite silly pony trick of mine handed down over the generations. Have fun dudes!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Photo Shoot!!!!!!

Oh man I got soooooo excited... for about 20 seconds .... My human came out this evening and mentioned that it was time to get the clippers out as there is going to be a MAGAZINE COVER PHOTO SHOOT TOMORROW!

Well I immediately trotted into the stall to get ready for my new 'do' and some whisker removal and ... you will NOT be able to believe this.... She told ME to get OUT and ushered my MOTHER in... MY MOTHER is going to the photo shoot NOT ME... FABULOUS BY DESIGN aka Elle, named after the outstanding supermodel Elle McPherson!

Can you BELIEVE this???? I mean JUST because I'm not yet old enough for Human to sit on my back, she says mom is going. I am just mortified. There is absolutely NO WAY my mother is as beautiful as ME, I mean, she's not bad for an older mare, but uh, hello? Everyone who is anyone KNOWS who the fairest in the land is... it is ME!

Well I hope they get rained on tomorrow since mom is not at all fond of rain, THAT would be a payback to Human, HUMPH!!!!!

**In case you're in doubt to me stunning looks, just look to the top of my blog, Human thinks I'm so lovely she chose ME to be our Blog Cover model!**

Monday, October 27, 2008

He Talks to Horses!

Our human is a female human. She's a pretty decent human as humans go. She feeds us on time (although not always as much as I think she should) she gives us yummy treats like carrots and apples and she knows all the good spots to scratch.

Of course sometimes she does things like make us work and that's not always to my liking, but all in all, she's pretty decent.

The best part of our human is her male human partner. Now that one is a super nice human. He buys us horse feed, fixes up our stalls, cleans our water tanks, puts up more fencing so we have a larger place to play and feeds us yummy treats, talks to us and I don't mean just in human-speak, he really understands what we tell him in horse-speak! He then translates these important bits of information on to Human so she can do the things we need her to do.

As long as Human keeps her male partner I think I'll keep her. He's pretty cool.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Silly Pony Trick #3....

This trick is best done when your human is the only human to be seen and on a day you think you don't want to work to hard.

Silly Pony Trick #3:

Lie down in your stall and groan several times when you don't normally grown. Do this JUST as you hear your human approaching the barn (either you hear their car pull up or you hear them walking up).

Your human will rush in and start to worry that perhaps you've got the dreaded 'colic' (tummy ache human, just say tummy ache). They will then drag you up and make you walk circles for a few minutes, but that's ok because you get out of your stall. They will then listen to your heart, your breathing rate, take your temperature and listen for gut sounds.

Since you're not truly colicing, they'll then stand and look very confused that everthing is 'normal' and that you're standing there with out a care in the world.

They will then make a few phone calls to Trainer and decide that instead of practicing balancing the human on your back, all you'll have to do is be turned loose in the arena for an hour of human watching you.

Then after a nice roll in the dirt and a good leg stretch, Human will call Trainer again and they'll decide you can probably have a light lunge and then back to 'bed' for you. Voila, you get to get your human's heart rate going (Which I have read is a very good thing to do to humans) and you get a ton of attention and very little work.

This is a VERY fun Silly Pony Trick and I suggest you try it out soon!

Saturday, October 25, 2008


I... want... my... FREEDOM....grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr... I thought I could come and go as I pleased but HUMAN has put in a new gate in our barn paddock area and she SHUTS it at night... SHUTS it, grrrrrrrrr, and won't let me come and go as I please...

This is just wrong. I am boss filly around here, NOT Human, so why does SHE think she gets to dictate when I can come and go and where I can come and go? It's just not fair... Wonder if I can get a lawyer to sue Human for my freedom? Hmmmmm how much is a lawyer anyway? Do they take payments in hay?

At least Human jailed the other two horses too, so I'm not alone, now being locked up in Solitaire would be terrible!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Silly Pony Trick Of the Week

We are getting close to Trick or Treat day (Human calls it Halloween) which is a week from today.

In preparation of the "TRICK" portion of the day, I decided to practice in advance, so the "Silly Pony Trick" of the week is this:

When your human sets the stall cleaning device (she calls it a stall fork or pick) against the wall for a moment to do something else, GRAB the handle in your mouth and start to swing it about... Then act as if you spooked yourself, but do NOT let go of the cleaning device, instead, run backwards, wheel about, flip your tail over your back, SNORT loudly and get the other horses nearby all riled up. Then, while still holding the device in your mouth, start running out the gate and across the field and don't drop the Fork until you're at the opposite end of the field.

Your human will thank you for the entertainment and extra exercise you have her by requiring her to walk across the field to retrieve her device!

Watch for next Friday's 'Trick' as it should be a good one in honor of that thing my human calls Halloween!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Day Off....

Ahhhhhhhhhh today is my favorite day of all, it's 'DAY OFF" when neither my human nor trainer ask me to do anything I don't really want to do, like practice balancing them upon my back or running in circles at the end of a long rope, something they call lunging and I call boring.

Usually on my day off I just hang out in my stall or if trainer lets me, in my paddock. Sometimes I get to roll in mud or big dusty spots in the paddock, ahhhhhh that fells SOOOO wonderful.

Sometimes I just stand around and visit with the other horses in the barn.

Day off is the best day of the week. Maybe I should let human and trainer have a "Day off" once in a while? Nahhhhh they LOVE to work for me, what am I thinking, they'd be SAD if I told them they have a day off!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Playmate of the Day!

HA! I have had a new playmate today and Human was clueless the entire time, well OK, until she came in to give us room service and fluff our stall beds for the night...

Today, one of the neighbor's goats found it's way through our fence into our field and decided to be my new friend! It was really cool, we played all kinds of fun games, including tag and goat got along well with Cinder, my Quarter Horse buddy, too.

For some reason Human did not find it so cool that Goat was visiting us. She grumbled some words about goats always managing to find their way out of their own homes and to ours... then she read the tag on Goat's collar and made a call and Goat's human came and picked Goat up.

Goat told me that she just wanted a bit of fun since she doesn't have any playmates at her house so fun we had.

I don't know if our humans will let us play again, but I hope so, it was a lot of fun playing tag.

Monday, October 20, 2008

DVD's, Books, Clinics, OH MY!

It's about (by the way Yanks, you pronounce the word A BOOT, not A Bout a Bout is a round in boxing) my turn at the bandwidth...

I'm truly concerned. Lately our human has been engaging in scary things. She's hitting the training books, DVD's and is saying she's going to watch a clinic, EEEK...

I know it's almost Halloween and it's traditional for humans to engage in scary things during Halloween, but I don't think they should be allowed to engage in cruel tactics like Training Books, DVD's and the worst, Clinics...

What this is going to mean is that well past Halloween, our human is going to be 'practicing' these new torture techniques (well she calls it training for better communication, but if that was the case, she'd get it that we do NOT want to play these silly human training games, we want to be catered with room service and maid service and pampered with massages and grooming, NOT tortured with training!).

Sometimes I hate the Fall season. It means shorter hours and usually colder weather which means more time indoors for the human to engage in reading and watching DVD's and getting 'ideas' and trying them out on us.

Usually I like my human, but right now it's time to try to blend into the back pasture hoping she'll pick one of the silly youngsters to 'work with' instead of making me work. I mean really, why do humans seem to think we horses want to move off their leg instead of kick out at it? If I pushed on HER sides with MY legs she'd not move off of me, well not voluntarily, I would probably be able to shove her aside, but she'd push back into the pressure. Why do they think we horses are any different?

I know that the name of this blog is 'silly pony tricks' but sometimes I think we need to rename it, "Crazy human tricks"...

Sunday, October 19, 2008


OMG, someone, please HELP ME! That human, she, **sob** ABUSED me today....

This morning the human came out to perform maid service and open the gateway to open pasturlands. While she was performing maid service she had NOT yet opened the gate... Now this is TOTALLY unacceptable. I want to be in the pasture grazing when I *stomping my cute front hooves now* want to be out there and this morning, since there was frost on the ground and fog in the air, I wanted out NOW so I could cavort and then graze.

So first I tried standing behind human to get her attention, as usually she'll turn around and talk to me and scratch my neck for me. Well, she IGNORED me... ME...FABULOUS BY DESIGN, Hello??????? I am SHE WHO SHALL NOT BE IGNORED, for I am ELLE!

After about 2 minutes of human ignoring me AND not opening the gate while she was performing maid service to our stalls and paddock I finally had all I could take and, well I corrected her. I mean slaves, errrr, servants, deserve correction when they don't perform their duties in a timely fashion, right?

It was not a serious correction, I merely walked up behind her again and tugged on her shirt sleeve to get her attention....

SHE HIT ME! Yes, She HIT me and then chased me in circles around the paddock for a few minutes, causing me to WORK... ABUSE, PURE ABUSE! Can you believe that my impertinent human had the NERVE to HIT me???? How DARE she take her hand and slap my neck, how DARE!

I am so appalled and my feelings are just crushed. I never believed my own servants would turn against me. THEN after chasing my in circles around the paddock, she walked up to me and scratched my neck and walked off.. well I followed her for 5 minutes trying to get her to explain her behavior but she only LAUGHED at me and told me to quit sulking and to never tug on her clothing again.

The NERVE of her telling ME what to do.... Good Human help is VERY hard to find. I guess I will have to try being a bit nice to her for a few days though, because up until today, she's been a very good human slave, errrrr, servant. She usually is right on time with room service and she does do a fine job with our stalls and paddock, but if this abuse continues, I fear I shall have to replace her!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

What do I need a "Show Shirt" for?

OK, here's the deal, first, Yes I'm still hogging the bandwidth space, hey, there are TWO of the femme fetal types to my one macho gelding type!

So anyway, today my human comes into the barn in a happy mood. Now I like it when she's in a happy mood because she usually tells me I'm extra cute and doesn't make me work too hard. But today it was kind of weird... She brought in a human shirt and made ME 'wear' it by hanging it off of my saddle...

Now, first, I am a BOY, I am NOT so thrilled to have some frilly, jeweled shirt near me, let alone ON me and secondly, what does she mean when she says this is a 'show' shirt? What the heck is a show? She keeps chattering about how we're going to start 'showing' this spring... What does this mean and why does she need a shirt that looks good with me and my Western Show Saddle to do it in?

Women, no matter if they're human or equid, they're confusing to a cool dude like me.

Peace out dudes!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Rubbers, Beauty Tips??? STUD TIME!

Geesh, the past few days have been chick talk... Beauty tips, Rubber Boots... Makes a Gelding feel kind of light in the horse shoes if ya know what I mean!

So, to offset all the estrogen flowing around this joint, I'd like to request a few moment of Gelding talk!

Have you Studs and Geldings out there noticed how fickle the female gender is??? I mean the mares and fillies will flirt and toss their manes and swish their tales oh so seductively and then when you come over to make a move, BAM... they're all hooves and teeth and won't let you whisper anything in their ears.

Now why is it that they are so fickle anyway? I mean we fellas are to the point "HEY BAAAAAAAABBBBBBBYYYY, Ya Wanna, Ya Know, Snuggle????" No pointless flirting to only get the attention of the gals and then turn our feet and teeth on them... I just don't understand women I guess.

I will say that the human females seem much less fickle... They kiss you and pet you and tell you that you're just the cutest thing ever and they don't turn around and chase you away when you snuggle back. I wonder why there is such a difference between them and mares and fillies attitudes.

Females are a confusing lot. If you Studs and Geldings out there have any suggestions on how to deal with the fickle nature of the fillies and mares, please send me a letter!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Dancer wants Rubbers

OK, OK, get your mind out of the gutter (hmmmmmmmm now that you mention gutter, it reminds me I want a new gutter too!)...

When I say I want Rubbers, I am referring the the quaint way English people refer to Rubber boots as Rubbers... They also call them Wellies which is short for Wellington boots, a rather expensive brand of Rubbers or Rubber boots as you Yanks enjoy calling them.

The Pacific NW Rainy season is upon us. Coming from the colder, but drier realm of Saskatoon, SK Canada, I am not particularly fond of getting my feet wet and muddy day in and day out.

My human wears Rubbers in the barn this time of the year, why can't I have a set custom made for me? Heck even her canine companions have a set that they can wear (she says something about it keeping her floors in her home cleaner when they're mucking about in the weather if they wear them, why canines need to enter, let alone reside, inside the human domicile is still a mystery to me!)

I think I shall consider starting my own company "Dancer Rubbers" with color co-ordinated horse sized Rubbers... Perhaps then I could retire to a life of warm desert pastures during the rainy season and migrate back to the PNW for summer.

I know this for certain, I am not overly fond of the Rainy Season!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Elle's Beauty Tip of the Week:

MUD, MUD ahhhhhhh Glorious Mud!

One of the ways to keep a beautiful complexion and maintain a healthy pedicure is to immerse yourself in mud daily.

Find the muddiest spot in the field and roll and roll until you're coated from head to toe. The mud will dry and your human will use a rubber curry to get it all off your coat and out of your mane and tail and then they will use a nice soft brush and this process brings out the lovely oils in your coat and causes a delightful shine (Not to mention takes care of those hard to reach itchy spots!).

You're human will moan and groan and complain at the amount of mud you pack onto yourself but your skin and coat will thank you and in the end your human needs to exercises her arms and hands brushing you out briskly anyway!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Happy Birthday to my human... For her birthday today, I promise to keep her work load to a minimum by not messing up my stall! (Love Dancer!)

"Happy birthday dear human, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday dear human, and I promise to not dump you off my back when you come ride today!" (Love Emmerson)

Hmmmmmm.... NO one's birthday needs to be celebrated by MINE, I mean HELLO, the world revolves around ELLE... NOT that silly Cajun dog who had recognition yesterday and not my human who is getting the attention today... Hello???? It is ELLE's time to shine, silly, silly world. (Well OK human, Happy Birthday to you anyway, Luv ya! Elle)

Monday, October 13, 2008

Happy 11th Birthday to our GOOD canine buddy, Group Winning/Multi BOB/Am/Can Champion Arlequin Cajun BlackFyre,SD,TT,HIC! We love you big guy!
**Cajun is on the left of this photo with his first born son, 'Wyld' at the 2008 American Belgian Tervuren Club's National Specialty in May and our human holding their leashes, a special thank you to wonderful photographer, Karen P. Johnson, for taking such fabulous shots of 'da boyz'!**

Sunday, October 12, 2008

It's EMMERTIME! (not to be confused with Hammertime). The above photos are, well ME, hehehehe.
Today my human showed up at temporary barn and put the saddle on that is reserved for going on these outdoor rides she calls trail rides. This was the 3rd time in my life I've been on this Trail Ride thingy and I have to admit, while it is a bit of work, it's not hard work and you get to see a lot of interesting stuff and meet new horses and their humans too.
We went with our friend and neighbor, Wings and his human. This was the second time we've gone on a trail ride together and we're starting to make a pretty good team. Both our humans say we were 'good boys' and let us have treats when we were done and back at the horse trailer getting our saddles and bridles removed.
One thing I really like about this trail riding stuff is we get to meet new humans who ooh and ahhh over how handsome I am.. Well they say pretty, but boys aren't pretty, they're handsome, so I'm sure they mean to say I'm handsome. I like hearing I'm good looking. I mean my dad is one handsome dude and my mom is beautiful, so it was expected that I would end up beautiful. but I do so enjoy hearing it from people because, well I am a wee bit vain.
Anyway, Wings and I had an enjoyable time walking through the woods and seeing the chipmunks and squirrels and birds and other horses and humans. We also enjoyed occasionally keeping our humans on their toes by gently jumping sideways in what the human called a 'silly spook'. The humans seemed to wake up and get a bit more animated when we did that, so we threw that in about 3 or 4 times during the outing.
Humans are funny creatures. They're easily pleased. Apparently walking calmly over a piece of wood that goes over a stream (they call them bridges) is something that makes humans really happy because mine kept telling me what a GOOOOOD boy I was ... When she says GOOOOD BOY EMMERSON, I know that I did something extra good. It's her happy voice and I LIKE her happy voice because it means I'll get extra treats later on.
All in all it was not a bad day working on training my human how to stay balanced up on my back and Wings and his human were pretty nice to spend the day with too.
Peace Out Dudes!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

To Early!

What is it with our humans? Why do they think we need to work, sleep, even sometimes eat according to THEIR schedule???

What makes them even begin to think that it can be a little bit about what THEY want versus what WE want?

This morning I was sleeping perfectly peacefully in the sunbeams, enjoying the lack of rain and abundance of sunshine when the next thing I know, my darling daughter Elle and our 'visitor' Cinder (who honestly I am not overly fond of but do tolerate) come bolting over to my nap spot and start complaining loudly that human has made them go OUTSIDE and stay out of their stalls.

I was not impressed that human caused my nap to be cut short and when she came out to pet me, I let her know I was not impressed by turning my head away from her and started pooping.

She isn't a very well trained human as she laughed and told me I'm not a "morning horse" and then kicked me ALL the way OUT into the field.... Sheesh, I just want to nap in the sun human, leave me be!

She did at least manage to get maid service to our stalls completed but I think I'll make an extra large mess tonight so she'll get the point that I don't enjoy having my beauty rest interrupted!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Silly Pony Trick of the Day....

Elle's Silly Pony Trick of the day:

When your human is filling your water tank on a morning where there is frost on the ground (like this morning for a perfect example!) it is a GREAT time to 'prank' your human.

First wait until the human has the hose situated in the tank. Then as your human is standing around waiting for the tank to fill up, walk over to say 'hello' to your human and ask for attention. Once you have them lulled into a false sense of relaxation from petting you, quietly walk over to the tank as if to take a drink. They'll stand and watch you. GRAB the hose in your mouth and fling it around, never dropping it!

This will surely spray your human with the nice cold water and they'll appreciate your silliness AND the fact that they'll not have to shower once they go inside their human stall.