Monday, December 15, 2008

Braids are for Sissy's!

WOW this is pretty cool, there is SNOW outside! Trainer won't let me outside to play in it, she said it's not really safe because the path is icy, bummer as I LOVE a good roll in the snow!

Human came down yesterday and we practiced balancing on my back for a bit, then she spent some time just letting me hang out and giving me a braided mane... Man, does she think I'm a GIRL? Braids are NOT for dudes, sigh... She said she wants my mane to grow longer... well, again, HELLO???? I am a DUDE...

I had planned on rubbing them out but Human had one more embarrassment in mind for me, she made me wear a blue sleazy on my head and neck... I am the ONLY Arabian on my side of the barn, well OK there is one other but he's retired and doesn't have to be a fru fru horse, anyway, now ALL the Quarter Horses are going to laugh at me.

I think Human does this stuff on purpose JUST to cause me a life of shame. Braids are for Sissy's and Sleazy's are for Filly's, SNORT!

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