Tuesday, November 4, 2008


HELLLLLLLLLLLLPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP....... HURRY PLEASE HURRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We're flooded in our stall and can't get out because the entrance has a HUGE LAKE and there is NO WAY I'm going to cross it, uh no, not, nada... Horses don't swim!

Oh Elle, you're being such a drama queen. Granted it has gotten a wee bit wet at the entrance of the stall and there is a large puddle in front, it's not exactly life boat 9-1-1 time just yet.

But MOM, it IS 9-1-1!!!!!!!! Really,mom, how can you be so nonchalant about this. This is TERRIBLE. Cinder and I are NOT coming out of our stall until Human fixes this mess.

Well Elle, Human has a flooded basement to contend with, and humans usually panic when the inside of THEIR Stalls get wet, so I would plan on getting a bit hungry if I were you and Cinder and you're truly waiting for Human to make the mud puddle go away.

Well FINE, if Human is SO self-absorbed that she won't come SAVE Cinder and I, then she'll be EXTRA SORRY when we STARVE to death!

Oh Elle, you ARE a silly goose... I'm going out to pasture to eat, you can come with me or sit inside complaining, the choice is yours.

Mom??? MOM??? MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM????????? Cinder, she LEFT us, HURRY, JUMP.... See it's not hard , JUMP the lake! MOMMY, here we come... Yum this pasture tastes great!

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