Thursday, December 18, 2008

Snow Day, NO SCHOOL!

I think I have decided I LOVE Snow! Why? Well because besides my normal day off of balancing humans on my back on Wednesday, I got a day off today too what the human kids call a snow day and no school.

Yup, Trainer told me it is just too cold and too nasty to work too hard and she told me Human should not be out driving on slippery roads for an hour in one direction, so no one made me practice balancing them on my back!

BUT Trainer did turn me loose in the arena to trot around and roll in the dirt, it felt so NICE to play and stretch my legs but the BEST part was rolling in the dirt of the arena, I LOVE dirt.

I wonder if we are going to have more really cold days with snow? I hope so, it's nice to have a vacation and time to just 'hang' out and be a Dude!

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