Saturday, December 13, 2008

"Oh the Weather Outside is....."

FREEZING! I mean FREEZING with very cold wind. Human wanted me, Mom and Cinder to go out in the field today but after about 15 mins I said "ENOUGH!" and have stayed in the barn ever since, it is too cold in that wind!

Mom is standing next to me in the stall and silly Cinder won't go in the other stall but no way am I moving over to make room for her with Mom and me, huh uh... Cinder has a room of her own, she can use it or stay outside in the cold wind, I am NOT sharing my napping space OR the extra warmth of my mom!

Human said it must be cold if we won't go out to graze and thankfully, she realized that it is important to provide extra room service in this kind of cold weather and had Male Human put the water tank heaters into place as well as started feeding us that nice green hay she bought last fall.

I don't know how long it's going to be this cold, but I hope Human keeps up the room service!

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