Saturday, October 25, 2008


I... want... my... FREEDOM....grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr... I thought I could come and go as I pleased but HUMAN has put in a new gate in our barn paddock area and she SHUTS it at night... SHUTS it, grrrrrrrrr, and won't let me come and go as I please...

This is just wrong. I am boss filly around here, NOT Human, so why does SHE think she gets to dictate when I can come and go and where I can come and go? It's just not fair... Wonder if I can get a lawyer to sue Human for my freedom? Hmmmmm how much is a lawyer anyway? Do they take payments in hay?

At least Human jailed the other two horses too, so I'm not alone, now being locked up in Solitaire would be terrible!

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