Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Wednesday's Silly Pony Trick

It's my favorite day of the week again... Wednesday, the day I don't have to do anything that I don't want to do (like work at balancing the human on my back).

Because it's my day off and Human was off with Ms Prim and Proper (aka Dancer) doing some fancy schmancy photo shoot for a magazine cover (as IF I'm a SLOUCH in the looks department??? Humph!) I decided it was time for a Silly Pony Trick.

My trick of the day was so simple and yet created such a stir at the barn it is an absolute blast of a trick to play on your own humans.

While turned out in your paddock, play with the latch at the gate until you get it loose, then go for a nice little walk-a-bout!

For some odd reason humans find it highly unsettling when they can't find you where they last left you, so if you take yourself for a bit of a walk-a-bout and go visit the other dudes at your place, you'll get to here a lot of "OMG!, WHERE IS HE??????? EMMMMMMMMERRRRRSSSSOOOOOONNNNN???????" and then there is the "Here boy, come on" (like I'm going to answer to this??? I am NOT a dog!humph!)

It's best once they find you, to give them a bit of exercise by not letting them catch you immediately. Trot around with your nose up in the air and keep JUST out of reach for about 5 mins. Then give your human a break and come up to them and ask for a pet. Remember humans are fragile creatures so we need to be careful how much exercise we give them.

Yup, this is a favorite silly pony trick of mine handed down over the generations. Have fun dudes!

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