Friday, October 24, 2008

Silly Pony Trick Of the Week

We are getting close to Trick or Treat day (Human calls it Halloween) which is a week from today.

In preparation of the "TRICK" portion of the day, I decided to practice in advance, so the "Silly Pony Trick" of the week is this:

When your human sets the stall cleaning device (she calls it a stall fork or pick) against the wall for a moment to do something else, GRAB the handle in your mouth and start to swing it about... Then act as if you spooked yourself, but do NOT let go of the cleaning device, instead, run backwards, wheel about, flip your tail over your back, SNORT loudly and get the other horses nearby all riled up. Then, while still holding the device in your mouth, start running out the gate and across the field and don't drop the Fork until you're at the opposite end of the field.

Your human will thank you for the entertainment and extra exercise you have her by requiring her to walk across the field to retrieve her device!

Watch for next Friday's 'Trick' as it should be a good one in honor of that thing my human calls Halloween!

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