Wednesday, December 3, 2008

But I don't Want to!

Human informed me last night that because I'm still hurt, I'm definitely going to be seeing another doctor, someone she calls "orthopedic specialist".

I don't WANT to see ANY more doctors.. The poke and they prod and the stick you with needles and steel your blood and give you drugs that make you feel all woozy-like and make you stand still while they do things to your behind (something called rectal sonogram or some such nightmarish words) and all in all, there is nothing good or fun that has ever come from a Doctor's visit....

The only GOOD news is Human said that if THIS doctor can find out for sure why I keep hurting off and on, I won't have to make the long trip to the hospital far from my daughter and home and friends, so I guess I DO want to go to see this new Doctor after all.

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