Friday, December 5, 2008

Real Geldings Like Nutty Mint Mocha!

Today was a practice balancing Human on my back day... It was a pretty good time since Human said I was a REALLY good boy and gave me those nice baby carrots after we were done practicing.

Because I was all sweaty, I had to stand under the heat lamps with my cooler on to dry off and Human decided it was a good time to get herself a drink.

Human drinks coffee.. all kinds of coffee and I usually ignore her fru fru drinks but today, OMG, today she brought the BEST Smelling coffee drink with her. She called it a Nutty Mint Mocha and I WANTED it. I mean REALLY wanted it, it smelled soooooo yummy.

I did my cutest expressions for her, held my foot up in the air (but no pawing, Human gets mad if I paw and the goal was to make her fall in love with me, not get mad at me!) and even nickered at her.

NONE of my usual "Look aren't I adorable" tricks worked! Grrrrrr Human told me "Silly Gelding, Horses don't drink Coffee"

Man she sure can be selfish when she wants to. Who says horses can't drink coffee? Some Coffee Police?

Well all I know is baby carrots are NO substitute for Nutty Minty Mocha and I hope she decides to share tomorrow!

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