Monday, January 18, 2010

BF Fabulous By Design

FINALLY, my poor, poor fans, being deprived of my amazing grace and words of wisdom for a whole YEAR! I am back, you're beloved Elle!

In the past year that HuMom (we decided huMom was better then huMAN since she's our 2 legged Mom not a man, hmph) had many things happening which prevented her from allowing us access to the computer and so we have had no online voice.

HuMom now has a shiney new toy (we call it the SNT) in the form of a super duper laptop and a new camera so I can finally allow you all to gaze upon my beauty and share in my words of brilliance.

HuMom says as soon as the sunshine comes out we can do a photo shoot, I can't WAIT for the photo shoot, I mean I AM BF Fabulous By Design so photo shoots are made for me like fish are made for water!  In preparation I'm going to shed out my winter wardrobe and gain a shiney new spring coat, I want to look my best for all of you, my adoring fans.

In the mean time, be sure to check in regularly to read about my newest Silly Pony Tricks!

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